America and the Holocaust with Steven Marcus

History does not always follow a linear path, logic, or common sense. One of the great questions was whether America ‘abandoned’ the Jews before and during the Holocaust and the Second World War.

During the 1930s and 40s, the rise of Adolf Hitler and his pursuit to hegemonize Europe, and annihilate all Jews in and surrounding Germany went hand in glove with the global situation known as World War II. When other surrounding countries failed to save the Jews of Germany, many individuals looked to the United States for a way to help and provide refuge for Jews

While there were many Americans who felt as though it was their duty to help the Jews of Europe, other individuals, and a multitude of factors within the United States entered into the equation. At best, America has a ‘mixed record’.

This seminar will explore issues and personalities, which are important in the argument. New evidence emerges, yet the question remains.


April 24, 2022 1:00 p.m.

RSVP to  by 04/22/22 no exceptions please

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