The Adult Education Committee of Temple Beth Shalom is proud to announce the formation of a monthly Adult Torah Study Group.  This study group is to be moderated by the laypeople of the TBS Congregation.  This group is scheduled to meet monthly, on the first Sunday of each month at 10:30 a.m. (except where noted.)

Each moderator will choose a parasha (or parshiyot) from the upcoming month that is meaningful to him/her.  The moderator will lead a close reading of the parsha and/or a discussion on a topic of his/her choosing connected to the parsha and preferably to our world today.

Jack Lieberman will lead this engaging study group sessions on April 10, 2021, at 10:30 a.m.

Please register for this first study group session by clicking on the link below and completing the registration form.  (It is necessary because we have invited the community-at-large to participate.)

After you complete the registration form,  you will receive an acknowledgement.  You will then receive the invitation link prior to the event.  If it is easier, you may register for the event by contacting the Office at or via phone at (609) 266-0403.